воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.

Birch sap – healing juice, and cheerfulness for the day

Since ancient times, our ancestors honored birch, loved her healing drink, which was considered a source of energy and valuable minerals and vitamins that were part of it.
It is not only tsinyvsya birch sap, but the leaves, buds, branches.

Birch is a very beautiful tree, which translates from Latin as blessed, blessed.
If you look to the birch, as if she was crying and her tears washed us and strengthens our bodies, because of the birch juice is a lot of minerals and vitamins.
After drinking a little birch sap, if we zhyvymosya vitamins, recharge your brain and entire body useful minerals and vitamins.
This strengthens the transparent beverage strength in people suffering from pneumonia. Arthritis, bronchitis birch sap is very useful.

Doctors advise if a person suffers a stomach ulcer, or a fireplace in the liver, you should consult a good specialist. However, people with urolithiasis and gastric ulcer should consult with your doctor before you decide to get healthier by using birch sap.
Before the use of birch sap to remember that this is only a good tool for keeping the human body, to prevent and to give the body a lot of useful vitamins.

Besides that birch sap is useful to the body, it also has a positive effect on hair and skin in humans. People who often dermatitis, various rashes and allergic reactions, birch sap advised not only to take, but in the morning and in the evening washed out.
To strengthen the hair beneficial once on Sunday to wash my first favorite shampoo, and birch sap.
So Birch sap – a boost of energy, beautiful hair and skin without red spots.


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