четверг, 27 июля 2017 г.

Organic food
Now it is very difficult to find environmentally friendly products in the market, in which there would be no various additives, nitrates, dyes, which adversely affect human health, affect the internal organs, and a healthy appearance.
The safest products are those grown on their plots, without various chemicals and nitrates. But such products are still sold from their site by farmers, villagers, as they care not only about the health of their relatives, but also about casual passers-by.
In different countries, there are clear criteria, due to which, you can refer products to such a category as organic products.
These products include products that do not contain genetically modified ingredients, products that have pesticides, artificial fertilizers, various pesticides, since they were not used during the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.
Eco-friendly products do not contain preservatives, dyes, various additives.
On organic, environmentally friendly products there will be special license designations, on their labels, on vegetables and fruits – “Organica”, EKO. These designations mean that these products will not harm our body and they do not contain harmful substances.
Today, in our world there are many different license symbols, thanks to which you can find quality products without any additives, most importantly, pay attention to such symbols.....


Birch juice is a magic elixir

We all already know about the positive properties of birch sap, it is like a magical elixir that helps the body cope with various health problems. Birch juice is often used in the manufacture of various creams, shampoos, drinks.
This juice, not only drink clean without various additives, but also make delicious compotes, add various herbs, thanks to which the body eats useful substances, thanks to which people get sick less.
For example, it will be very good to add a bit of crimson jam to the birch sap. This remedy perfectly fights with various inflammations, lowers the heat.
You can add cranberry juice, due to which the body will be cleansed of toxins.
If there is apple, grape juice, pomegranate, boldly add to birch and drink on an empty stomach, this combination of different juices will give the body a charge of vivacity and many useful vitamins.
So any juice will be useful with birch, most importantly, before mixing and drinking various drinks, be sure to make sure that they do not harm your health, because each useful juice has both positive and negative properties.

воскресенье, 16 июля 2017 г.

Nutritional supplements, their benefits and danger to human health.

Unfortunately, for today, the majority, food is made only with the addition of various additives, unfortunately, most of them are very bad for the human body. Let's look at most of the nutritional supplements that you can often see on food labels.
For example, such an additive as sodium benzoate (E211), this additive is very harmful to the digestive system, even a small amount of this additive, can lead to a person having a variety of digestive problems. Sodium benzoate is added to confectionery, in gas drinks, as well as in ketchup, mayonnaise.
Even in such a beautiful cake, you can find this supplement in delicious cakes.
After all, this additive helps the products to be stored on store shelves much longer and do not spoil.

Of course, nobody will stop adding to their food supplements, because it will destroy the entire industry of not only juices, but also cakes, and other products.
If it is possible, it is better to use natural juices and nectars, which gave nature, they are much more mature than those who sell in stores.
It is not necessary to upset, because not only harmful nutritional supplements are added to products, but also those that do not harm our health at all, for example, the food coloring curcumin (E 100), which is made from a tropical plant of Surcuma longa L., which has Therapeutic effect, cleansing the blood vessels and improving digestion.
Turmeric is also involved in the metabolism of fats and has the ability to remove toxins from the body. This dye can be found when you read the composition of ice cream, a variety of sauces.


понедельник, 10 июля 2017 г.

Birch juice is a divine drink

Birch juice, indeed, is considered a divine drink, because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that help the body to saturate nutrients in itself.
Fresh, natural birch sap, it’s kind of drunk in fresh spring, hear its tender and pleasant aroma, since with the beginning of the spring, tears that indicate the end of the winter period begin to tumble from the birches.
High levels of vitamins such as C, PP, B, zinc, as well as essential oils, help the body to fight against various diseases.
Birch juice is very often called “live water”, but it is really so, because the birch juice, the body normalizes pressure, cholesterol, rejuvenates cells, healing wounds quickly.
It should be recalled that birch sap is a strong antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory properties, saturates cells with oxygen, helps very well with skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, allergy.
People aged 35 years should include birch sap in their diet, as it strengthens cells, struggles with wrinkles. Zinc, which is part of birch juice, strengthens immunity, reduces the risk to viral diseases, and heals the intestinal microflora. If you often use antibiotics, then after every time they take it, drink birch juice, this drink helps to get rid of toxins in the body.

вторник, 4 июля 2017 г.

Eco-friendly products. Organic food

As it became known, the British researchers found that organic food has a lot of benefits, and has a positive effect on the human body.
In environmentally friendly foods, there are many more antioxidants and various vitamins that have a positive effect on human health.
Recently, the research team, headed by Professor Carlo Leifert of the University of Newcastle, made the conclusion that there is a big difference between organic and also inorganic foods.
After the study, scientists became even more confident and realized that an increased level of antioxidant content significantly affects human nutrition. Organic cereals contain a much less protein and nutrients than conventional crops. Such a conclusion was made by Professor of Nutrition at the Royal College of London, Tom Sanders.