пятница, 15 сентября 2017 г.

Spring birch juice.

As soon as the spring sun begins to melt cold snow, Ukrainian birch trees immediately begin to wake up from winter. By their trunks, the smallest twigs and swollen buds begin to flow in a nutrient fluid with minerals, acids, and vitamins that are necessary for the growth and flowering of the tree. This liquid is very much that a person can gather himself in order to get alive, fresh spirit and inspiration from birch.
This fluid is called people - birch juice. If the street is very hot, then thanks to birch juice, you can easily quench thirst.
About the benefits and negative effects of birch juice on the human body, all scientists in the world argue. But find out who is right very hard. That is why, while drinking juice, a person needs to look at his state of health.
The true birch juice gives the human body enzymes that are necessary to maintain immunity. This is especially important in the spring, when we are most prone to colds. In addition, even if you did not have time to strengthen the immunity, and picked up a cold, then tannins will help to easily overcome the inflammation that has started and accelerate the recovery process. Important for the heart of potassium, magnesium, calcium also occupy an honorable place in the composition of birch juice.
This drink is not only useful, but in some cases it can help save someone's life. Special substances contained in birch juice, can remove toxins from the body for a short time, which is very important in poisoning. This can be attributed to alcoholic intoxication. So instead of artificially created "pills from a hangover" it is better to consume natural natural medicines - birch juice.
Drinking birch juice is recommended for those suffering from inflammatory kidney diseases, birch juice, as we already know, has a diuretic effect, it helps to get the infection out of the human body and give a quick recovery.......................................

Coniferous Honey

To date, there is a large variety of honey.
Each kind of honey is good in its own way, because they have a huge healing power, many vitamins and various minerals that help human health.
The difference is only that each honey has specific qualities.
One of the most healing types of honey is coniferous honey, although it does not enjoy much popularity, but such honey exists in nature and is widely used during the treatment of various colds.
Honey is divided into floral, as well as mixed, padeevy.
Conifer honey is attributed to fallow varieties, since such honey bees are not collected from flowers and from inflorescences, but from honey dew, in other words, sweet secretions of various insects..............

Rules of preparation and reception of freshly squeezed juices

We all love freshly squeezed juice, we adore it for the benefit it will bring to the body, as well as for the delicate and pleasant aroma, because natural juices are not only tasty, but also nourish our organisms with various vitamins that exist in juices.
If you take freshly squeezed juice, you can well improve the body, remove harmful substances from the body, strengthen immunity, calm nerves and give vivacity and healthy mind to the body.
If you decide to buy fruit or vegetables to make a useful juice, be sure to try to buy it in special shops or on the market, in which there are quality certificates.
To natural, freshly squeezed juice has brought benefits, it should be taken into account that it should be drunk immediately after the juice is squeezed out, and you need to prepare it before the reception itself.
To make the juice useful, it needs to be held for a while in the refrigerator, this in order to destroy substances that adversely affect the body itself...........

The benefits of propolis

Bees not only bring people valuable, delicious and useful honey, but they also make other bee products that help. People struggle with various illnesses.
For example, propolis is a unique natural substance that possesses the biological properties of antibiotics, which can not be synthesized artificially.
Propolis, has a variety of properties that have a positive effect on the human body.
For example, due to vitamins and minerals that are part of propolis, it heals wounds, is a good antiseptic in surgical operations. Propolis is advised to use for ulcers.
As is known from sources, propolis still used in ancient Egypt for mummification., In modern propolis, found application, it can be seen in cosmetics, in the manufacture of various drugs.

Zbrus increases immunity

Zabrush, these are special hats of honey, which bees use to fill honey.
During sealing, bees use a special substance, which includes wax, propolis, and pollen.
Zabrus is very useful and therapeutic properties, as for example, lysozyme, which is much more than in the honey, it should be recalled that lysozyme, a special enzyme, so to say natural antibiotic that destroys cellular membrane of bacteria.
Zabrush, very well increases the immunity of the human body, does not cause the pathogens of addiction to themselves. Doctors are advised to chew the bowl, because it positively affects the human body, activates the metabolism, improves circulation, and strengthens the gum very well.
If you decide to improve your immunity, then it’s best to chew a bowl of 1 tablespoon four or five times a day for about 5-20 minutes.............

Nature is a real storehouse for human beauty

Beauty for a girl plays a very important role in life, that’s why most are worried about beautiful both internal and external appearance. Products are very buggy, but there are such, due to which, natural beauty is preserved for a very long time. Thanks to some products, the skin is very delicate.
For example, sea salt, due to which, the human body can feel like at sea. Thanks to sea salt, it is possible to remove the slag from the body, prepare a scrub for the body.
Very useful for the beauty of honey, thanks to which you can prepare a variety of useful masks, hair shampoos, creams, scrubs.
Honey is a very useful anti-aging remedy, it rejuvenates the skin very well, makes it beautiful, and pleasant to the touch..............

Natural Beauty Products

Women, they are charming, their bases have no life in this world; they not only protect home comfort, light, but make the home more comfortable and pleasant.
But, to be beautiful, women spend a lot of money every day, so that their beauty, charm does not go away.
It is better to use natural products for the beauty of the skin, in order to maintain youth and charm.
Therefore, we will discover for you little secrets about the products that nature offers.
Coconut oil, this wonderful oil has not only a pleasant aroma, which is enjoyed by many people, but also useful properties, which make the skin beautiful and very pleasant to the touch. Very often cosmetic companies add this butter in creams, in shampoos, and all in order to enrich the skin, hair with vitamins and give a beautiful look........

вторник, 1 августа 2017 г.

Birch juice, taste irreplaceable

Birch juice, this taste not only from childhood, but also from the remote areas of ancient times. As you know, even in ancient times, birch sap was valued for its properties, it was used to treat various diseases. In birch sap is a lot of useful vitamins and minerals, it is useful to drink it not only during various diseases, but also for the body to saturate useful substances.
In different cities and countries, birch juice is very popular, but the problem is that many do not like its taste, that’s why, you can prepare a healthy drink with birch juice.
To prepare a useful and flavorful drink that you can drink at any time of the year you will need: birch sap, citric acid, orange, tangerines.

In the pot, pour in the birch juice, add sugar, put it on the fire (to preserve vitamins, useful substances, boil the juice can not), as soon as the sugar has melted, add slices of processed in boiling water of orange and mandarin. We lower into banks and pour boiling water, after which it is necessary to twist the jars. Turn over and cover with towels.
Everything, tasty birch juice is ready.


четверг, 27 июля 2017 г.

Organic food
Now it is very difficult to find environmentally friendly products in the market, in which there would be no various additives, nitrates, dyes, which adversely affect human health, affect the internal organs, and a healthy appearance.
The safest products are those grown on their plots, without various chemicals and nitrates. But such products are still sold from their site by farmers, villagers, as they care not only about the health of their relatives, but also about casual passers-by.
In different countries, there are clear criteria, due to which, you can refer products to such a category as organic products.
These products include products that do not contain genetically modified ingredients, products that have pesticides, artificial fertilizers, various pesticides, since they were not used during the cultivation of fruits and vegetables.
Eco-friendly products do not contain preservatives, dyes, various additives.
On organic, environmentally friendly products there will be special license designations, on their labels, on vegetables and fruits – “Organica”, EKO. These designations mean that these products will not harm our body and they do not contain harmful substances.
Today, in our world there are many different license symbols, thanks to which you can find quality products without any additives, most importantly, pay attention to such symbols.....


Birch juice is a magic elixir

We all already know about the positive properties of birch sap, it is like a magical elixir that helps the body cope with various health problems. Birch juice is often used in the manufacture of various creams, shampoos, drinks.
This juice, not only drink clean without various additives, but also make delicious compotes, add various herbs, thanks to which the body eats useful substances, thanks to which people get sick less.
For example, it will be very good to add a bit of crimson jam to the birch sap. This remedy perfectly fights with various inflammations, lowers the heat.
You can add cranberry juice, due to which the body will be cleansed of toxins.
If there is apple, grape juice, pomegranate, boldly add to birch and drink on an empty stomach, this combination of different juices will give the body a charge of vivacity and many useful vitamins.
So any juice will be useful with birch, most importantly, before mixing and drinking various drinks, be sure to make sure that they do not harm your health, because each useful juice has both positive and negative properties.

воскресенье, 16 июля 2017 г.

Nutritional supplements, their benefits and danger to human health.

Unfortunately, for today, the majority, food is made only with the addition of various additives, unfortunately, most of them are very bad for the human body. Let's look at most of the nutritional supplements that you can often see on food labels.
For example, such an additive as sodium benzoate (E211), this additive is very harmful to the digestive system, even a small amount of this additive, can lead to a person having a variety of digestive problems. Sodium benzoate is added to confectionery, in gas drinks, as well as in ketchup, mayonnaise.
Even in such a beautiful cake, you can find this supplement in delicious cakes.
After all, this additive helps the products to be stored on store shelves much longer and do not spoil.

Of course, nobody will stop adding to their food supplements, because it will destroy the entire industry of not only juices, but also cakes, and other products.
If it is possible, it is better to use natural juices and nectars, which gave nature, they are much more mature than those who sell in stores.
It is not necessary to upset, because not only harmful nutritional supplements are added to products, but also those that do not harm our health at all, for example, the food coloring curcumin (E 100), which is made from a tropical plant of Surcuma longa L., which has Therapeutic effect, cleansing the blood vessels and improving digestion.
Turmeric is also involved in the metabolism of fats and has the ability to remove toxins from the body. This dye can be found when you read the composition of ice cream, a variety of sauces.


понедельник, 10 июля 2017 г.

Birch juice is a divine drink

Birch juice, indeed, is considered a divine drink, because it contains a lot of vitamins and minerals that help the body to saturate nutrients in itself.
Fresh, natural birch sap, it’s kind of drunk in fresh spring, hear its tender and pleasant aroma, since with the beginning of the spring, tears that indicate the end of the winter period begin to tumble from the birches.
High levels of vitamins such as C, PP, B, zinc, as well as essential oils, help the body to fight against various diseases.
Birch juice is very often called “live water”, but it is really so, because the birch juice, the body normalizes pressure, cholesterol, rejuvenates cells, healing wounds quickly.
It should be recalled that birch sap is a strong antioxidant, has anti-inflammatory properties, saturates cells with oxygen, helps very well with skin diseases: dermatitis, eczema, allergy.
People aged 35 years should include birch sap in their diet, as it strengthens cells, struggles with wrinkles. Zinc, which is part of birch juice, strengthens immunity, reduces the risk to viral diseases, and heals the intestinal microflora. If you often use antibiotics, then after every time they take it, drink birch juice, this drink helps to get rid of toxins in the body.

вторник, 4 июля 2017 г.

Eco-friendly products. Organic food

As it became known, the British researchers found that organic food has a lot of benefits, and has a positive effect on the human body.
In environmentally friendly foods, there are many more antioxidants and various vitamins that have a positive effect on human health.
Recently, the research team, headed by Professor Carlo Leifert of the University of Newcastle, made the conclusion that there is a big difference between organic and also inorganic foods.
After the study, scientists became even more confident and realized that an increased level of antioxidant content significantly affects human nutrition. Organic cereals contain a much less protein and nutrients than conventional crops. Such a conclusion was made by Professor of Nutrition at the Royal College of London, Tom Sanders.

воскресенье, 25 июня 2017 г.

Birch juice, first aid with magnetic storms

Birch juice, has a lot of useful, and nutrients, vitamins that have a positive effect on the human body.
Recently, scientists have found that infusion of birch juice, helps with magnetic storms.
To such conclusion Yamal scholars have arrived.
In order to find out if really birch infusion well helps with magnetic storms.
Scientists have decided to experiment on rodents.
For 45 days, the rodents were given an infusion of birch, and birch sap.
During strong magnetic storms, rodents were released into labyrinths, and oversaw them. They actively behaved themselves, and the magnetic storms did not affect them like other animals.

среда, 21 июня 2017 г.

Types of birch trees

Birch, a very interesting tree, which is famous not only for the useful properties of bark, birch juice, but also various species. That's the way, the birch has a lot of species.
This tree belongs to the species of deciduous, as well as shrubs of the family of birch, which includes more than 120 species of different birches.
Birch is very common throughout the entire terrestrial hemisphere, and some birches can be found even in America, the largest variety of birches in Ukraine, as well as in Russia.
This can be said that the birch is not demanding a tree, it can tolerate both frost and dry land. Birch grows on different soil, both dry and very moist.
In the people, the tree is called "white birch", and this is not a coincidence, as a birch white barrel, which includes a dye called betulin, contains a large number of silver ions.
That is why, birch has an antimicrobial effect, also, near the trunk of this plant is very little different pests and has medicinal properties.
But I would like to say that all types of birch trees have a white color of the trunk, there are birches in which the bark has a yellowish color, pink or brown, gray, there are species with a black bark.
This kind of albae is a birch with a white barrel and smooth leaves.
The type of birch Costata - has a ribbed barrel, and shoesty leaves, below is a slight vein.

Variety of acuminatae berries - has large leaves, grow in more dry climatic conditions.
Birch Nanae - small, has small small leaves.
In the next article you will learn more about other types of birches.


пятница, 9 июня 2017 г.

Allow me to congratulate you on the International Day of Friends. I wish that true friendship does not dissolve in time and is not lost in kilometers. Let in any difficult situation a true friend hurries to help, let friends always remain good companions on the path of your life.

With best regards and best wishes of the UKRAINIAN ECOLOGICAL GROUP 

четверг, 8 июня 2017 г.

Espartsetovyy honey.

As we already know, varieties of honey very much. There is a honey, which is a very rare species, but the buy, find and sell.
For example Espartsetovyy such as honey, which has a golden yellow polishers, it is transparent, has a thick consistency. This extract from the honey bee flowers plant beans, is one of the more useful types of honey, since the composition of honey is very rich in vitamins, bioactive substances and minerals that fill the body with nutrients.
Espartsetovyy Honey is not only useful, but also because of this honey can be derived cholesterol from the body, improve blood composition, displays the body of excess sugar. For men, the use of honey increases the level of hormones.
Once the honey crystallizes, is white, has a creamy feel.
Espartsetovyy honey helps with gastritis, with various gynecological inflammation, also with stomatitis, bronchitis, tonsillitis at.
Also, the healing honey helps with bleeding gums, angina when heart problems, diseases associated with skin, influenza, rhinitis and other diseases.
Besides positive properties, honey has espartsetovyy negative properties, such may cause allergic reactions. Many use honey can not. Also, honey is very harmful when it is heated to a temperature of 40 degrees. When heated all the beneficial properties disappear.


воскресенье, 4 июня 2017 г.

Administartsiya welcomes visitors from Trinity! May this festival inspire all of you on the good things, fills hearts with love of neighbor, each family brings comfort and well-being is happiness and confidence in the future.

Holy Trinity, in the morning fresh and happy,
From the church to hear the chime,
Open a window, flowers and grasses smelling sweet,
Remember this day, it does not happen again.
I wish you many unforgettable days,
Give love and receive it in full.
What awaits us in the future? The fact is we do not know.
But life - a precious gift, not just this!

вторник, 30 мая 2017 г.

Ecology in people’s lives

As you know, today, the environment plays a very important and vital role in human life. Environment affects not only life, but also her health.
Look around, people no longer worry about the environment, they clog it, do not care. But as important for future generations to make a small step, and do not clog the nature preserve and take care, because nature gives us such wonderful colors of nature feeds us, through nature, we can go and collect various berries, which are very healthy and nutritious for our body. Therefore, it is important to eat a man, organic food, beverage, whereby, the body will have a lot of energy, saturated with different nutritional and beneficial vitamins, minerals that make up the fruit and vegetables. So you need to protect nature and take it all naykoryslyvishe is that it gives.

Save the nature

Homeland, is the place where the person was born, where he lives, lived and awareness of each home comes out differently.
We understand that you need to work, you need to feed a family and children, but also to understand that the nature of this world, who need not only enjoy, but also protected. Therefore, almost every country of the globe, there are problems with environmental protection. We sometimes forget what nature gives us not only life, but also feeds us. Look around, clean clear water, our strength is no water on the planet can not live, and without green space that will not only protect the atmosphere, but also give us a tasty and healthy food.
Environment plays a very important role in people's lives, which is why you need to use only natural products, without the various additives that have a very beneficial properties for the human body.
Today, the people faced environmental issue. This is due to the fact that people decided to become masters of nature, began to conquer her own. As a result of dirty river plants, a lot of destroyed forests, through which, we could clean our air.
People want that nature worked on them, but will not, nature likes to be away from the noisy cars from different machines that pollute the environment, and nature will never be anybody in possession.
Nature need not destroy, because over time the nature of the need to revive.
Man - this is just a large piece of Mother Nature, which should not to conquer, but to live with it in harmony and love. Nature should be protected as if a small child from various problems, care and support.

суббота, 13 мая 2017 г.

Variety honey

In addition to the usual vsyh types of honey, such as buckwheat, lime, akatsiyovyy. In nature there are types of honey as honey and beekeeping products, which is in liquid form is watery - transparent texture, slightly greenish tint. If honey crystallizes, it is white. Honey and beekeeping products quickly crystallized soul, has a distinct sweet and delicate flavor. Cotton honey also exist in nature, which is in liquid light, almost no color. During crystallization has tiny crystals bilovatoho shade. Honey has a pleasant taste. It has a flavor characteristic of the juice of the plant itself, which as storage completely disappears. Often crystallized comb.
There is also a clover honey, which has two types: krasnoklevernyy, this honey has - reddish - yellow color, a honey compared to other varieties slowly crystallized honey is of white clover, it is bright and has a pleasant fragrance saturation. This sometimes viscous honey has a pleasant taste, good-looking, while krystalizuvannya has fine-grained white mass.
Raspberry honey bees collect on deforestation in the ravines. Raspberry honey quality, color is colorless, during crystallization has a creamy color. Regarding flavor, honey flavor is crimson berries, pleasant and delicate flavor.
These varieties of honey are very nutritious, have a lot of vitamins and minerals to help you treat various diseases: angina, influenza, bronchitis.

Benefits beerzovoho juice and healthy drinks

It is known that birch sap is very useful, it is used to treat various diseases. For example, if a person is suffering from allergic reactions, allergies, it is often still recommended to drink at least 1 cup of birch sap afternoon, allergy gradually disappears. This is certainly true, especially when the house is small children who can not eat red fruits, vegetables, birch juice helps get rid of allergic reactions. It is also known that in various diseases, people are advised to use birch juice, which enhances immunity, nourishes the human body various useful vitamins and minerals.

Birch sap gain during the first spring sun sunny archers. They say that only weeping birch in early spring and it was necessary to collect birch sap.
To birch sap survived the cold winter, it can be closed in jars with other beneficial berries.
For example, with birch sap possible to prepare the brew to be very tasty. To prepare the brew pozhadobytsya birch juice, brown bread, sugar, raisins. In birch sap is necessary to add sugar, bread, raisins and place for 2-3 days in a cool place. Then strain and drink.

If you like mint, you can make birch juice with mint are also very tasty drink, especially in the hot season. You need to birch juice, add to it a small amount of mint leaves, sugar and citric acid. Mix all ingredients (birch sap – 7 liters, 3-5 sprigs of mint leaves, sugar – 3 tablespoons of citric acid or juice – 0.5 teaspoon), let stand for 2 hours, drain, put on fire as only boils, remove, pour into jars and close for the winter. The juice is very tasty and healthy.

вторник, 25 апреля 2017 г.

Gifts of nature

On the shelves of shops can increasingly meet various beverages with different taste and color.
Unfortunately, most of these drinks is not useful for our organisms, as well as contain various additives that are harmful to our health. To make the juice attractive, adds food dyes that may cause allergic reactions in children.
The vast majority of these drinks is sweet sodas synthetic origin.
These drinks are very harmful to our health. Most koryslyvishymy for our body are the drinks, which gives us nature. Most generous gifts of nature are birch sap. It’s just incredible natural and mega useful drink that is very refreshing, thirst tamuyuchy and has unique properties.

It is also valuable in that time his collection, this is the first half of the spring, usually it is very appropriate, because in this period, the human body is an acute shortage of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. Treatment of this “nectar” was practiced in ancient times.
And judging by the archives that remained to this day, it brought incredible and positive effect.
Today, targeted use of birch sap from running but is aware of only one.
Birch sap is used in the treatment of various diseases during a severe allergic reaction in the excretion of toxic substances.
That birch sap, is one of the most koryslyvishyh natural beverages.
Birch juice contains many nutrients and minerals and vitamins, which are very quickly absorbed by the body.

суббота, 22 апреля 2017 г.

The benefits of apple juice and apples

Apple juice is the most popular in our country, because it not only delicious, but also useful. This juice can be bought for reasonable prices, and you can make yourself at home.
Apples grow in almost all countries, they are very popular, they taste just remarkable.
Besides the taste properties of apples a lot of benefits, such as an apple is vitamin pleasure, as in apples a lot of vitamins like vitamin A, C, E, H, and many other vitamins and minerals that help the human body fight various diseases .

Each apple has a special taste and aroma, flavor depends on the content of essential oils.
Each apple is not only beneficial to the properties and delicate flavor, taste different, but yet and different varieties.
From apples make useful and nutritious juice that quickly absorbed in the human body.
The juice is rich in proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as dietary fiber.
Apple juice protects cells from destruction. Due apple juice, and content in it of nutrients, this drink helps in strong loads also helps to strengthen the heart and blood vessels....

понедельник, 17 апреля 2017 г.

Happy Easter

Administartsiya site welcomes you with a great holiday, Easter. We wish you a good head on peace, peace in the hearts as well as good light thoughts, good luck and prosperity.
Let this magnificent holiday light heart filled with feelings of hope and love brings happiness and good. We wish you happiness, health, prosperity and welfare.
Spring, everything blossoms,
Nightingale song glad
Blue sky, happiness sends.
Let the soul reigns holiday
Let success you will have a lot!
Let always and in all luck.
And may God bless you!
Happy Easter.

среда, 12 апреля 2017 г.

Healing honey. Interesting facts from the past.

Primitive people involved in collecting medicinal honey from different flowering plants ..
So in Spain found ancient stone fresco, which was shown old man surrounded by bees. Also, the mention of honey can be found in the Egyptian pyramids.
Even in ancient times, it was somewhere around 3,500 years ago, was told that honey was used as a drug for the treatment of various diseases. On the papyrus was found written that medical help at various diseases of the stomach at high temperature.
Мore details you will find on this website

Interesting legend of birch.

Often, the legends appear true stories from real life.
These legends written by people they may have moments of truth, and perhaps this is just a fairy tale.
Legend of birch very much, and now.
An interesting legend of the mermaid, which in ancient times the light of day, was shown over the lake, and then, when the first rays of the sun, the mermaid was supposed to go.
And, it so happened that she zahralasya waves of the lake and saw the sun god Horsa. Mermaid fell in love with his hair in his eyes, and even more in its warm sunny hugs.
Mermaid has decided to leave, to escape, as it did before, but unfortunately it did not release Horsa. After a while, mermaid turned on the shore.
 Мore information you find on this website

понедельник, 3 апреля 2017 г.

Barbarisovyh honey. Useful properties

Barberry, is widely used not only in medicine, cooking, for medicinal purposes, in cosmetics. Often barberry adds to the dough in the manufacture of chocolates.
Barberry - a very popular plant, its like a magical taste and beauty, but also for their useful medicinal properties.
The bees extract honey from barberry, he has a golden - yellow color and sweet, pleasant taste, with honey barberry recalls the arrival of spring, a gentle and pleasant. Barbarisovyh honey is very useful, it is used for cleaning the blood. Used to treat pancreas, spleen, urinary system and for the prevention of kidney stones. Positive effect on the heart, reduces the possibility of thrombosis, helps with vydelinni juice pozhyvnymi saturates the body with minerals and vitamins. Honey of barberry gastritis are advised to take at yazvi intestine, tuberculosis, and rheumatism, severe pain in the throat, diseases of the mouth, when bleeding in toxicosis in pregnant women.

In cosmetics, honey of barberry used to treat acne, various leather sypi.
A real honey is quite rare because not all available barberry. Most market vendors mixed in conventional herbal honey tincture of barberry. Therefore, the choice of this particular class, be sure to carefully examine distinctive features:
Experts advise to buy the product directly from manufacturers, ie apiary owners. This saves you from all sorts of speculation and poor quality products.