воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.

Acacia honey – properties, applications, interesting facts.

One of the most valuable species of honey - honey from acacia it. 
Honey of acacia, very useful, flavor and gentle, pleasant taste, impossible to forget. 
Of great importance is the color of the acacia, from which bees collect honey, it affects the Color honey, as well as its taste. As we know, acacia is yellow and white. 
The smell of bee products soft, regarding taste, the taste is not bitter, and some unpleasant flavors. In akatsiyovoho honey is harakterana feature, it long retains its liquid form and crystallizes only a year after pumping. Bees sobyrayut of acacia honey in early July, just when acacia blossoms. We know that it akatsiyovyy honey contains a large amount of fructose, which is why, the human body rapidly metabolizes honey. 

Acacia honey is recommended to use a small number of children, and people with diabetes, too, thanks to the honey locust, children sleep well at night. 
People who have problems with vision, akatsiyovyy recommended to use honey because it improves vision, has antiseptic properties. This honey is often used in the treatment konyuktyvyta, as well as other bacterial diseases of the eye. Therefore, the drops are advised to add one drop of honey akatsiyovoho or do warm lotion. 
Honey of acacia is a frequent component of external ointments that are beneficial for burns and cuts. After all, in addition to disinfection, bee product has a good restoring force that accelerates regeneration of damaged tissues. 
Acacia honey has the ability to degrade blood pressure, because of this, it is recommended to take people with high pressure also useful to use it for prevention. 
Also, Acacia honey are advised to take people who often suffer from depression, to relieve stress nervanoyi also advised to take honey from acacia. 
Honey of acacia very healthful, it should be used with various diseases of the liver and kidneys. 
It is useful to make masks and steering with honey of acacia. This cream improves skin texture, asked her vitamins. 
That's a honey of acacia, tasty and useful.


Water is the most important resource in human life.

Water - one of the most important resources in life. Since ancient - times known to some traditions shanuvannyavodnyh sources. In many cultures, water is a symbol of truth, as well as strength. People believed that the human soul is of great power, and clean as is the water, and washed her. Even water gives forcefully man many believe in its natural and healing properties. 
Even Ukraine scenic traveling, you can find the source, which no one ever used. There are many ways to find the source. 
Water is looking through the vines, as well as the search for water use limits, look for plants. If a lot of growing herbs such as plantain, we can safely say that is situated near the source. Plantain loves water. 

Religious people are looking for water because of the prayers. According to legend, then in the late nineteenth century. after praying elder Daniel somehow appeared at his feet healing water. Prayer, which goes from the heart, and the good man can make healing water. And prayers of Elder Daniel performed many miracles, healing, and prorukuvan.Vodu we drink, affects our emotional state, too, water can help the body function well, in fact, the human body consists of water, water that flows in us that its structure, then we are the same: good or evil, sad or funny. Many people peerkonani that holy water has good features to help people get sick less and be happy. They say if a spoonful of holy water pour in ordinary water, the whole water becomes holy. Ukraine has a lot of springs, thanks to them, people cure various diseases, but before you go to a sacred source must throw out of my head bad thoughts and dig in the healing properties of spring water. 
Virte in miracles, and they will realnistyu. 


The healing properties of lime honey

Drugs that nature gives very useful. These drugs not only helps with various diseases, they saturate the body by various nutritional vitamins.
Linden honey is known for its beneficial properties and high content of nutrients.
What could be koryslyvishoho of bees collected nectar?

Linden, famous for its medicinal properties, and honey, which is collected toiler, one of the most mercenary of sorts. White honey contains fructose, glucose. Honey is rich in minerals, the essential oils, amino acids, vitamins E, A, K and B vitamins Linden honey – transparent, has a yellowish tint, white honey can be seen from the light – amber hue. Regarding the fragrance has a stable white honey, sweet flavor that resembles lime. The taste of honey a little bluff but nice, gentle.

During storage white honey has the ability to change its color, crystallized after 3 months. During crystallization changes his knees to light – yellow.
If the you stores will see fresh lime honey, a liquid, you can immediately tell that this honey could be somewhat diluted, heated to a high temperature, or a non-natural white honey.

White honey has antibacterial properties has has protyvozapalni properties zharoponyzhayuchi, so this honey is indispensable for colds, laryngitis, bronchitis, tracheitis, asthma. During the treatment of diseases such as angina, stomatitis, white honey diluted with water and used for gargling.

The healing properties of honey meadow. Benefits and applications.

Honey is very diverse, bees sobyraayut it with different colors. The taste of honey and its properties, color varied.
Color in meadow honey pale yellow, sometimes you can find yellow-brown. It is also called “riznotravnevyy”, “collective”. Bees collect this honey from various meadow flowers, therefore it is classified as a diverse honey, which is collected from different flowers of meadow plants. Honey has the aroma of meadow grasses and pleasant taste.

Regarding medicinal properties, the meadow honey very well calms the nervous system, helps with headaches, cultural personalities as well, pain in the abdomen, with yazvah bowel, insomnia.
During crystallization, meadow honey turns into a solid, crystalline mass.
Meadow honey are in the steppe, the steppe zone. Often meadow honey derived from the red clover honey has a reddish – yellow. Clover Honey from highly nutritious as well, it is used in various gynecological diseases. If there are problems with hemorrhoids, it also should be used, to avoid problems.

Meadow honey are advised to take if a person has depression, bad mood, insomnia.
The flu, sore throat, you can also use honey meadow, if a person temperature, thanks to the warm milk and honey meadow, you can get rid of heat.

The benefits of buckwheat honey

Today, there are many varieties of honey, but it is buckwheat honey is considered the most useful honey, which includes a lot of nutrients and vitamins.
Buckwheat honey is produced by bees from the nectar of flowering buckwheat. Buckwheat contains vitamins C, B1, B2, A, and, gelida, manganese, calcium, silicon, phosphorus, and other nutrients that help a person.

Buckwheat honey has a color of dark yellow and red to dark brown, sothat when choosing buckwheat honey for themselves and their loved ones, you do not make a mistake, because only Buckwheat honey has a saturation color that is very difficult to mix with other varieties of honey.

That taste of honey, it has a strong, sharp taste, which seemed article throat, has a pleasant and unusual flavor.
Due buckwheat honey can treat boils, sores, ulcers of the intestine, and honey is recommended for low hemoglobin. Buckwheat honey is useful to take people who have poor eyesight or quality problems with the eyes. They say that buckwheat honey, a wonderful antiseptic.

If you want to save buckwheat honey for the winter, it should be stored in a well in the dry and in a well closed vessels.
It is often said that every honey has properties only son, but it’s not, because each plant its chemical composition, so honey is also useful in its own way.
Also beneficial properties, buckwheat honey is harmful to take people who suffer from diabetes. Honey can cause allergic reactions, and if the body was rash, should stop use buckwheat honey.

Birch, interesting facts from the past

Birch, is one of the most beautiful trees on the planet – Earth. Blonde, beautiful and elegant tree trunk creates a sense of gentle, pleasant light that seemed out of tsho tree.
Although the increases in Scandinavia and Europe, belostvolnaya long stalatsilyuschym birch tree which gives tasty juice.
They say that birch tree belongs to the zodiac sign of Cancer. It transmits to us his strength and energy moving shaky moon. Its energy – cold and refreshing as the clean, clear and tasty water, and just as the water after swimming, zanoryuye us dream that lifts people to hmarok in heaven.

Once upon a time said that birch tree – the tree is very capricious, not all can help deervo understands and sees people with whom intend to approach him.
You can not plant a birch tree near the house, Birch likes space, so is it better to grow away from the human eye, and often said that in birch leaves lurking spirits. Birch can be planted near hvirtochky to the house could get only good soul of the people.

Very often, in ancient times, near birch set up shop, and everything that you can talk with wood and poprostyty strength and inspiration, as well as care for their families.
Pregnant women can sometimes sit near birch and tell them about their lives, often said that birch because of its healing properties, even at a distance would help not only the mother but also the unborn child to be healthy and happy.

Often children do near birch swing, and the girls who wanted to howl married on Midsummer holiday decorated birch their tapes, they had to wear their hair in two days, but a pregnant woman often requested in wood strength and health of the child .
Very often arise in people question why in May collect birch sap, because wood often gives us this magical drink in the early spring, and if you look into the past, it was deemed that it was in May, birch has healing properties, that is in the same period 1 to 12 May, is useful birch sap, it is advised to take sick people and people who have lost faith in this life. Birch sap is very useful because it advised to take people who are often sick, in which weak immune system, and is an allergic reaction to food, medicines.

To give birch in the future more juice after juice collected from the tree, the wound had to be obscure, and the tree more than a year not to touch. Be sure to thank for birch sap to birch gave happiness and good luck. To a young man was long, birch sap to be collected from young trees.


Birch sap – healing juice, and cheerfulness for the day

Since ancient times, our ancestors honored birch, loved her healing drink, which was considered a source of energy and valuable minerals and vitamins that were part of it.
It is not only tsinyvsya birch sap, but the leaves, buds, branches.

Birch is a very beautiful tree, which translates from Latin as blessed, blessed.
If you look to the birch, as if she was crying and her tears washed us and strengthens our bodies, because of the birch juice is a lot of minerals and vitamins.
After drinking a little birch sap, if we zhyvymosya vitamins, recharge your brain and entire body useful minerals and vitamins.
This strengthens the transparent beverage strength in people suffering from pneumonia. Arthritis, bronchitis birch sap is very useful.

Doctors advise if a person suffers a stomach ulcer, or a fireplace in the liver, you should consult a good specialist. However, people with urolithiasis and gastric ulcer should consult with your doctor before you decide to get healthier by using birch sap.
Before the use of birch sap to remember that this is only a good tool for keeping the human body, to prevent and to give the body a lot of useful vitamins.

Besides that birch sap is useful to the body, it also has a positive effect on hair and skin in humans. People who often dermatitis, various rashes and allergic reactions, birch sap advised not only to take, but in the morning and in the evening washed out.
To strengthen the hair beneficial once on Sunday to wash my first favorite shampoo, and birch sap.
So Birch sap – a boost of energy, beautiful hair and skin without red spots.


Birch juice is a magic cure a hundred diseases.

Birch, a tree is not easy, often called the Goddess, who worshiped since ancient times. A man admires her beauty nezymnoyu, as beautiful wood post there, and the girls trust their secrets, but instead it “from top to toe,” gives all of herself to people. The most useful gift that bestows birch – is, of course, juice.

Only snow begins to melt, start to cry birch. Their transparent tears – a priceless gift that Mother Nature gave, as tears in their birch puts vitality. These forces heals the body, purify the blood, stimulate metabolism, release the body from decay products.

Birch – a living creature, and this should not be forgotten, collecting sap. Collect ‘birch tears “with old trees and” young “is not necessary, because they more difficult to recover. Juice the best type of trees with a diameter of 20.3 cm. With one tree more than one liter of juice in 2-3 days is not worth taking.

Make a vertical incision in the bark on the bark of approximately 10-15 mm
With sticks inserted into a cut one end of the flagellum
The other end flagellum drop in the bank or in the second dishes.
Smear cut clay, wax or something else.

If “AM” does not smear, it can get the bacteria that destroy the tree, and it will never be useful to give people their drinks.

Remember you need that birch sap to be collected away from highways, Sami is the best place – a forest, fields and meadows, where no human civilization has gone before.
Birch juice – medicine for a hundred ills, and it’s true! It is no accident berezonka gives medication in the spring, when the body is weakened by winter. Healing juice a true elixir of health and longevity.

In the birch sap a lot of minerals and vitamins.
In the US, Ukraine, Canada and Eastern European birch sap from birch sometimes boiled syrup similar to maple. His are usually directly in the forest uparyuyuchy. With 100 liters of birch sap goes 1 liter of syrup light yellow color, the taste is reminiscent of honey with a distinctive flavor of wood.
A total of 20 world producers of birch syrup. Typically, these are small farms.
Birch sap is very well helps the flu, also at nasmarku, with severe pain in the throat, coughing, as well as severe pain in the joints.
If you want to strengthen your body against diseases, then the best option is to add a birch juice 1 tablespoon honey. This drink helps at high temperature. And also, for the prevention of various diseases.
So really, birch sap helps with various diseases and is a good drink of one hundred diseases.

The magic wood – birch and birch sap healing

Birch – tree was considered special. Its juice, and bark, wood and leaves never used for medicinal purposes – just magical. They said that this tree has a connection with the world of the dead, that his love mermaids and utoplenytsi. So weeping birch tree is always decorated in Mermaids week to defend against the austere spirits. This tree tried to break so as not to incur the wrath of supernatural forces. In the old days went to him, trying to enlist the help of ancestors in any important matter or ask for protection from harm.
Generally, the birch in Ukraine and other countries, has always had a special relationship. Berihaly her, cared for her specially planted, trying to plant birch and around the village to do so protective belt of birches. Jewelry made of birch wood, used for protection from evil forces. Long before the advent of Christianity in the corresponding current Trinity broom made from freshly cut branches of trees, swept the house vermin, bad thoughts and quarrels. Broth from rods that day washed the whole house from diseases and misfortunes. The same day, a woman washed in the bath infusion of birch leaves to relieve various illnesses and recover lost strength and good spirits.

Birch – tree that sleeps all day. She falls asleep just before dawn. As the first roosters sing, his voice dispersed impurity, birch immersed for 2 hours in a sweet and deep sleep to waking up at dawn to give the world its pure power. Sleep period, accounting for about 3-5 am and 6-9 vigor peak hours in the morning.
Birch juice from ancient times was considered a healthy drink that can cure various diseases.
To juice was more tsilyuchyschym, summoned and added to honey and other herbs.
Energy birch is very high, even many years have passed, and still no one told about the magical abilities birch.


суббота, 11 марта 2017 г.

Birch juice – Vitamin charge for children

Feeding a child from the first days of life should be full of vitamins and minerals for proper growth and development. 
Providing a diet of the child, many mothers are interested, can give children birch sap. 
This nectar is paramount to all other fruit and vegetable drinks, due to the way it is received. 
Trying to answer the question of whether children can give birch sap, many mothers come to the conclusion that you can. It is important to understand what age is permissible to take the drink. Pediatricians believe that the main source of fluid after breast milk for the baby to be pure water. But after a year you can include in the diet toddler and other beverages.

One of the most useful and recommended by experts juices for children aged 1 year is considered a birch. It is important to choose a quality and natural product that will benefit the child’s body. For the first child will be enough sample 50 ml of birch sap, and if he likes, the volume can be increased twice. If birch juice is not diluted, drink more it will be very difficult.
Children 3 years after the optimal number of birch sap is about one cup 3 times a week. Many kindergartens, even today, there is usually a kids drink fresh juices, especially in spring and summer, when the body needs extra moisture.
The properties and useful qualities of birch sap has long been known, which is why early spring in birch groves and plantations can be seen as people with designs for the collection of this unique nectar that even the eyes diverge. Provides an invaluable impact on children’s birch sap organism that grows, filling it with vitamins and energy. This is especially important in the spring when the children after the winter weakened and need extra fortification.
