воскресенье, 12 марта 2017 г.

The magic wood – birch and birch sap healing

Birch – tree was considered special. Its juice, and bark, wood and leaves never used for medicinal purposes – just magical. They said that this tree has a connection with the world of the dead, that his love mermaids and utoplenytsi. So weeping birch tree is always decorated in Mermaids week to defend against the austere spirits. This tree tried to break so as not to incur the wrath of supernatural forces. In the old days went to him, trying to enlist the help of ancestors in any important matter or ask for protection from harm.
Generally, the birch in Ukraine and other countries, has always had a special relationship. Berihaly her, cared for her specially planted, trying to plant birch and around the village to do so protective belt of birches. Jewelry made of birch wood, used for protection from evil forces. Long before the advent of Christianity in the corresponding current Trinity broom made from freshly cut branches of trees, swept the house vermin, bad thoughts and quarrels. Broth from rods that day washed the whole house from diseases and misfortunes. The same day, a woman washed in the bath infusion of birch leaves to relieve various illnesses and recover lost strength and good spirits.

Birch – tree that sleeps all day. She falls asleep just before dawn. As the first roosters sing, his voice dispersed impurity, birch immersed for 2 hours in a sweet and deep sleep to waking up at dawn to give the world its pure power. Sleep period, accounting for about 3-5 am and 6-9 vigor peak hours in the morning.
Birch juice from ancient times was considered a healthy drink that can cure various diseases.
To juice was more tsilyuchyschym, summoned and added to honey and other herbs.
Energy birch is very high, even many years have passed, and still no one told about the magical abilities birch.


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