пятница, 15 сентября 2017 г.

Zbrus increases immunity

Zabrush, these are special hats of honey, which bees use to fill honey.
During sealing, bees use a special substance, which includes wax, propolis, and pollen.
Zabrus is very useful and therapeutic properties, as for example, lysozyme, which is much more than in the honey, it should be recalled that lysozyme, a special enzyme, so to say natural antibiotic that destroys cellular membrane of bacteria.
Zabrush, very well increases the immunity of the human body, does not cause the pathogens of addiction to themselves. Doctors are advised to chew the bowl, because it positively affects the human body, activates the metabolism, improves circulation, and strengthens the gum very well.
If you decide to improve your immunity, then it’s best to chew a bowl of 1 tablespoon four or five times a day for about 5-20 minutes.............

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