пятница, 15 сентября 2017 г.

Spring birch juice.

As soon as the spring sun begins to melt cold snow, Ukrainian birch trees immediately begin to wake up from winter. By their trunks, the smallest twigs and swollen buds begin to flow in a nutrient fluid with minerals, acids, and vitamins that are necessary for the growth and flowering of the tree. This liquid is very much that a person can gather himself in order to get alive, fresh spirit and inspiration from birch.
This fluid is called people - birch juice. If the street is very hot, then thanks to birch juice, you can easily quench thirst.
About the benefits and negative effects of birch juice on the human body, all scientists in the world argue. But find out who is right very hard. That is why, while drinking juice, a person needs to look at his state of health.
The true birch juice gives the human body enzymes that are necessary to maintain immunity. This is especially important in the spring, when we are most prone to colds. In addition, even if you did not have time to strengthen the immunity, and picked up a cold, then tannins will help to easily overcome the inflammation that has started and accelerate the recovery process. Important for the heart of potassium, magnesium, calcium also occupy an honorable place in the composition of birch juice.
This drink is not only useful, but in some cases it can help save someone's life. Special substances contained in birch juice, can remove toxins from the body for a short time, which is very important in poisoning. This can be attributed to alcoholic intoxication. So instead of artificially created "pills from a hangover" it is better to consume natural natural medicines - birch juice.
Drinking birch juice is recommended for those suffering from inflammatory kidney diseases, birch juice, as we already know, has a diuretic effect, it helps to get the infection out of the human body and give a quick recovery.......................................

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