суббота, 14 января 2017 г.

Benefits of fresh fruit, vegetable and berry juices

Fresh juice is very useful here because it is recommended to use, not only for strengthening the immune system, but also for the treatment of various diseases, to improve mood.
Each fresh juice from different fruits, vegetables and berries have beneficial properties, and various vitamins and minerals.

For example, the juice of carrot, very well improves kidney function, enhances immunity, improves vision, peach juice, due to vitamin B, which is part of it, increases the hemoglobin, it is recommended for cardio – vascular diseases.
If a person works for a long time at the computer, it is recommended to use apple juice, as it helps not only to relax but also protects cells from stress.

At various infectious diseases is recommended to use apple juice.
In cucumber is rich in vitamins and juice of cucumbers in it several times over, which is why, cucumber juice are recommended to strengthen the immune system.
Pear juice can be used for people to remove stones from the body, but the pomegranate juice are recommended for people suffering from diabetes.

In severe pain in the muscles is recommended to use grape juice, and in severe pain in the muscles.
Each juice contains nutrients and vitamins that are very much needed human body, especially in the autumn – winter period, when it was very warm sun, and the body needs many nutrients.
Natural juices, that are more nutrient content, they are vitamin bomb for the human body.

Fruit, berry, vegetable juice, you should at least once a day to take to the body nasychuvavsya nutritious minerals and vitamins.
Therefore, use these juices: klibnychni, Milano, orange, and others that you like the most and will enrich the body with vitamins.
In Ukraine, produce many useful, nutritious, environmentally – friendly juices that can be consumed throughout the year, whether on the street winter or summer sun.

суббота, 7 января 2017 г.

Team UKRAINIAN ECOLOGICAL GROUP congratulates all readers and visitors a happy New year and Christmas holidays!!

Team UKRAINIAN ECOLOGICAL GROUP congratulates all readers and visitors a happy New year and Christmas holidays. I wish you success, luck, happiness, health and prosperity to You and Your family.
Let adversity sidestep, We wish you a Happy New 2017

Let the new year brings You happiness, and fulfilled Your desires completely. For business profit, love and luck. Health love and wealth in the family
The money You had and embodied dreams.
Let everyone in the family will be better
Will come true if expectations and hopes.
Energy You good health,
We value the established relationships in partnership and we do not hide their aspirations to their continuation in 2017!!